Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fun day at the zoo!

Today me and the boys went to the zoo with my mom, dad, sister, and my two nieces.  We were afraid we were going to get rained out but it ended up being a beautiful day.  The boys had a blast, which is good because we bought a season pass so it will be somewhere else I can take the boys when we need to get out.  I can't remember if I even said that since I work at an after school daycare, I am off this week because of Spring break.  So that is why we have had so much time to do stuff.  I was thinking about taking the boys to the library tomorrow but I was thinking about maybe just making an easy day since we were out and about all day today.  Sometimes if I try to squeeze too much in the boys get cranky and hard to handle out in public.  So I was thinking about coming up with a project for them to do tomorrow at home and maybe go to the library on Friday.  We haven't been to the library in a long time.  Before I started working at daycare we went at least once a week, if not more. Then we slowly stopped going once I got pregnant due to me being so sick.  I really want to get back in the habit of going because the boys love going.  We stopped by Dairy Queen for lunch and I remember why I am eating primal and staying away from that junk.  I ended up getting a chicken sandwich and fries and I have felt awful the entire afternoon. I have awful heartburn and I just feel huge and nasty.  I should have stuck to primal and had a salad. Oh well, lesson learned!  I am excited because I am going to order the 10lbs of almond flour I found on Ebay. I am excited about trying some new recipes and getting the kids on board.  I think having almond flour will help because I can make fun food like pancakes, pizza and chicken nuggets.  I am very excited!  If all goes as planned I will being trying/adding a new recipe tomorrow!

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