Saturday, April 2, 2011

7 Months

Wow, this past month flew by.  I am already 7 months along! I can't believe it. Only 11 more weeks until the baby is here.  I have gained a total of 24 lbs. I was looking back at my 6 month posting and I noticed I only gained 2 lbs this past month.  I was shocked!  I haven't swelled much. Some days I forget I am pregnant.  But then other days I feel like I have been hit by a truck and everything hurts.  Overall this pregnancy has been pretty easy.  Let's hope it stays that way.  We have been discussing names tonight.  I think we may have finally agreed on one but I think we are going to wait until we have the baby to tell everyone.  Part of the reason is we are not 100% sure on the name and mostly because I want something to be a surprise since we already know the sex.  Who knows, we may end up just telling everyone because I am not very good with secrets.


  1. What??? I can't believe you haven't even told me! Usually you spill the beans....

  2. Well, Josh was drinking Sat night when we 'agreed' on a name. He wasn't drunk drunk but he gets happy when he is drinking and agrees with everything so I am not 100% sure. I will give you a hint though, it starts with a J.
